الأمم المتحدة: دستور نيكاراجوا الجديد "حكم بالإعدام على سيادة القانون"
رويترز عن بيان لحكومة نيكاراغوا: قررنا قطع العلاقات الدبلوماسية مع إسرائيل بسبب هجماتها على الأراضي الفلسطينية
قال مكتب رئيس غواتيمالا إن 135 سجينا سياسيا تم إطلاق سراحهم من نيكاراجوا وصلوا إلى غواتيمالا صباح الخميس
وثقت الأمم المتحدة 12 حالة تعذيب في نيكاراجوا ونددت بتكثيف قمع حكومة أورتيجا
إدارة بايدن تعيد تفعيل برنامج الإفراج الإنساني لكوبا وهايتي ونيكاراغوا وفنزويلا
Daniel Ortega orders the expulsion of the Brazilian ambassador to Nicaragua
A third flight in a month from Libya heads to Nicaragua despite US warning
محكمة العدل الدولية ترفض دعوى نيكاراجوا ضد ألمانيا بشأن دعم الإبادة الجماعية غزة
رئيس وفد نيكاراغوا: الولايات المتحدة وألمانيا هما الداعمتان الرئيسيتان لـ"إسرائيل"
الفريق القانوني لنيكاراغوا: شركات التصنيع العسكري الألمانية تحقق أرباحا من الحرب في غزة
10 الشهر منذNicaragua formalizes the severance of all diplomatic relations with Ecuador. The government of Nicaragua had already withdrawn its embassy in Quito in 2020
"Russia remains an acute threat & seeks to increase its foothold by bolstering authoritarian governments in Cuba Nicaragua & Venezuela" per @Southcom's Gen Richardson
Russian Security Council Secretary Patrushev held consultations on security issues with representatives of Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia in the capital of Nicaragua, Managua, and announced Moscow's readiness to provide all possible support to Latin American friends, - the press service of the Russian Security Council reported.
US Department of State: We call on the Nicaraguan government to immediately and unconditionally release Bishop Rolando Álvarez, who has been unjustly detained for 500 days. Freedom of belief is a human right. Álvarez's continued detention is unconscionable
وشكر وزير الدفاع الروسي شويغو في مؤتمر بموسكو كوبا وفنزويلا ونيكاراغوا على دعمها للحرب ضد أوكرانيا
2 سنة منذIván Duque before the plenary of the Summit of the Americas: "We cannot remain silent in the face of the dictatorships of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua"
مسؤول في البيت الأبيض لرويترز: انعدام مساحة الديمقراطية ومواقف حقوق الإنسان السبب وراء استبعاد كوبا ونيكاراجوا وفنزويلا من قمة الأمريكيين
Colombia must "cease" interference in Nicaraguan waters - International Court of Justice
Nicaragua: Vice President Rosario Murillo "Fire station number 133 will be inaugurated in Newfoundland with the name of person Francisco Buitrago Castillo. In turn, 2,500 will be delivered to families, providing legal security"
2 سنة منذNicaragua: Political authorities and the Ministry of the Interior inaugurated a basic fire station in the municipality of San Sebastian de Yali, Jinotega
Putin had a conversation with the leader of Nicaragua, Ortega, reaffirmed support for the efforts of the Nicaraguan government to ensure national sovereignty, and stressed the importance of continuing close coordination in the international arena
3 سنة منذVenezuelan presidential/government jet (YV-2984) just filed a flight plan from Valencia, Venezuela to fly to Managua, Nicaragua
Secretary Antony Blinken:New sanctions and visa restrictions target those complicit in the Ortega-Murillo government's repression, including politically motivated arrests and efforts to stifle independent media. We stand with the Nicaraguan people
Nicaragua: The passenger of the motorcycle who suffered serious injuries to his body was transferred by members of the unified firefighters of Juigalpa
Taiwan FM: It's with great regret we end diplomatic ties with Nicaragua. Long-standing friendship & successful cooperation benefiting the people of both countries were disregarded by the Ortega government. Taiwan remains unbowed & will continue as a force for good in the world
Nicaragua breaks diplomatic ties with Taiwan, recognizes China, official says
Government of Peru affirmed that elections in Nicaragua were neither free nor fair
3 سنة منذNicaragua: National Police confirm the detention of 52 elements linked to assaults, homicides and robberies. In addition, a considerable amount of marijuana was seized in Matagalpa
3 سنة منذOrtega, re-elected in Nicaragua with 75% of the votes in 49% of polls counted - official
3 سنة منذNicaragua: Results of the elections for President and Vice President of Nicaragua in Managua Christian Way: 46 thousand 464 votes (3.44%) ALN: 44 thousand 217 votes (3.27%) APRE: 29 thousand 798 votes (2.20%) PLI: 22 thousand 998 votes (1.70%) A participation of 65 has been registered